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Welcome to our Podcast series

We know it has been while since you heard from us but we are happy to be back with a new project on our 8 year anniversary day. We have embarked on a journey to really find a deeper understanding on how the arts can make a difference.

Our path led us to the wonderful Tolu (Toluwalola Kasali). The paths of her and our director, Reshma, crossed at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Both studied for their Master at the School of Public Policy.

Reshma then found out about her book, “My name is Aisha,” where Tolu presents real life stories of internally displaced people. After reading the book, we contacted Tolu to congratulate her on her success and she told us about the documentary “Remember Me,” that she was producing to further create awareness around the topic. After a conversation on the phone, we decided her success on how writing and film affect public policy needs to be shared.

Please check out the whole podcast here:


You can also see a video version here and on our instagram (@music.onpointe) :

Please excuse any technical issue as this interview was conducted over two continents and different time zones but that is the beauty of connection.

Tolu emphasized how important it is to empower vulnerable population groups. When we speak Statistics in Public Policy, it is not only about the numbers but knowing that there are humans behind those numbers and their dreams matter. The arts bring this human aspect to the policy work. It gives faces and names to the “dots on a graph” and they let us feel. Coming from a finance background, she says that the arts give us a different perspective and a story to numbers.

So please enjoy the podcast and don’t hesitate to let us know your thoughts.

For more information about Tolu’s work, check out her website https://myinternallydisplacedpersons.org

With lots of love.

Music On Pointe